Nuru Massage

What exactly happens during a Nuru Massage?

Exploring the Sensual World of Nuru Massage

Nuru massage, originating from Japan, is a deeply sensual and intimate experience that transcends the traditional boundaries of massage therapy. At, we delve into the intricacies of this exotic practice, shedding light on what exactly happens during a Nuru massage session.

The Slippery Prelude:

Nuru massage derives its uniqueness from the use of Nuru gel, a specialized, odorless, and colorless gel made from seaweed extracts. The masseuse begins by applying this slippery substance generously over their body as well as the recipient’s, ensuring a frictionless glide throughout the session.

Intimate Body-to-Body Contact:

Unlike conventional massages, Nuru massage involves extensive body-to-body contact. The masseuse utilizes their entire body to massage and caress the recipient, creating a deeply sensual and intimate connection. This physical closeness fosters an unparalleled sense of relaxation and arousal, heightening the overall experience.

Heightened Sensory Stimulation:

As the massage progresses, the sensations intensify, leading to heightened sensory stimulation. The slippery nature of the Nuru gel enhances tactile sensations, making every touch and movement feel exceptionally pleasurable. This heightened sensitivity amplifies the erotic aspect of the massage, culminating in a blissful state of ecstasy.

Mutual Trust and Surrender:

Central to the Nuru massage experience is the cultivation of mutual trust and surrender between the masseuse and the recipient. Both parties actively participate in the journey, surrendering to the moment and embracing the sensations with open hearts and minds. This shared vulnerability fosters a profound sense of connection and intimacy, enriching the overall experience.

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